Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 722 (Tidbits)

Today is a good day for action! Especially if you're a writer - particularly one who writes and publishes ONLINE! Blake has listed a whole JACKPOT collection of online writing resources on THE 800 DAYS BLOG for the Day 722 web log entry!

But first, I want to restate some powerful commands that are contained in an word-image Blake has posted - just because I am sorta bossy and all...

Here are the statements (they look cool, by the way, in the image over on the 800 DAYS blog):

Worry Less
Smile More
Accept Criticism [this hurts a li'l sometimes but it's GOOD FOR YOU!]
Take Responsiblity [also hurts a li'l but is also good for you]
Listen & Love
Don't Hate
Embrace Change [hurts me a li'l - probably fine for everyone else lol]

This bossy moment has been brought to you by Mythbuster2009, sometimes called Mythy, MB, or - Hey U!

I am now laughing about the fact that Blake uses the word "Secret" in the first line of his Day 722 post 'cos, well... secret's OUT NOW!

Basically, what I see in those links - in part, anyway - are some awesome content and learning resources for people who write about certain topics online. I'm not sure people who write about celebrity gossip or technical computer or internet stuff will find most of the links useful but I, FOR ONE - use the said links to learn a whole lot about things I don't know yet. Luckily, I will never be bored now that I have these links at my disposal because,

1. The links are awesome
2. I find out how much I don't know by visiting those links and finding way cool information at those links.

Thank goodness I have a lot to learn yet about life, in general.

Heck - 'bout the only think I'm an expert in is... how to tell Springheel Jack stories or how to take apart an urban legend (while very cool things to know about - not exactly the most common or popular conversation starters lol ie: "Hey - what do you think of ol' Springhell Jack? Think he was an alien or what?").

Now, Blake let me in on some of these secret links a little while before this Day 722 came out - however, I was so busy tryin' to catch up with reviewing Blake's content, I didn't actually use all the links yet! Once I'm caught up (which should be in a matter of hours, 8-48h), I'm going to hit those links HARD and check out everything Blake uses for writing tools online.

Fave sites I have checked out:

Linux .com site! (I'm going to switch over to Linux in 2011 It's my main New Years' Resolution and project beyond keeping up with The 800 Days Project!)
Cthulhu .com - 'cos I need to learn more about the ancients
Ross Walker's Alternatives to Adsense (it's good to diversify with revenue sites and I am learning how to with tips from Blake and others who are more experienced with online publishing)
Cryptome .org - interviews, research, reports galore - on things that generally don't get mainstream media spots!

Anyway, shoot! Now that I went to the Cryptome site again, I just spotted about 9 articles I JUST HAVE TO READ... I gotta go...

The Day 722 post is associated with Wednesday December 29 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with the links, get hyperactive.
