Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 712 (Tidbits)

Okay, Mythbuster is freaked right out about the content for day 712 over on Blake's blog. Apparently, I don't do proper computer maintenance and management and the awareness of this is stark, right in front of my face as I read the Day 712 entry over on THE 800 DAYS web log!

Blake is featuring content/tips from a friend, Rothlyn Giles, on proper cleaning up and maintenance of the home computer. There are 98 points featured - in great detail, might I add?

So... Mythbuster got to about point 3 before realizing it's been ages since I defragged (no 1 thing to do for maintenance with your home computer).

I feel like a dunce (look for this word in the glossary tab) since I am on this THING (PC) on a daily basis.

These instructions on PC Maintenance are for the Windows operating system and Giles is a programmer, so you can rest assured that the advice on computer care is coming from someone who knows computers literally inside and out!

Personally, I think having Rothlyn Giles on my Facebook is a good idea since I am sloppy, as yet, with my computer care, so I have already added R. Giles to my FB friends list. I decided NOT to wait 'til I feel like this:

...before making sure there's a great PC expert on my FB friends list!

Now off I go to defrag...

The Day 712 post on THE 800 DAYS blog is associated with being nice (and responsible) to your computer and the date, Saturday January 8 2011.

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