
Here are some words you might come across while looking for or reading information on The Mayan Calendar, 2102 Theories, Doomsday Theories, and related topics.

Ahau Sequence: 5 day-signs in a sequence (Ahau, Kan, Lamat, Eb and Cib) - used to predict morningstar risings of Venus. These are found in the Dresden Codex and also, in the same context, in the Popol Vuh.

Baktun: (B'ak'tun) is 20 katun cycles related to the Mayan Long Count Calendar. Katun cycles are 7200 days (20 "tuns").

Black Hole:  an incredibly dense entity with very intense gravitational pull. It is believed that the force of gravity within a certain distance to a black hole is so powerful that even the speed of light is not fast enough to escape the pull/hole. These entities are predicted by equations of general relativity but have actually never been observed. It is believed that some black holes can be made by dying stars ie: a star with a mass greater than 20 times the mass of our Sun may create a black hole at the end of its star life/as it is dying.

Calendar Round (CR):  A period of 52 haab (vague solar year 365 days) which represent the synchronization of haab and tzolkin (sacred day count 260 days in cycle).

Corr #: means "CORRELATION NUMBER" "AHUA EQUATION" or "CORRELATION CONSTANT" and is the Julian (calendar) day number that corresponds to the first day of the "Long Count Great Cycle." ( a prominent Mayan Calendar).

Count of Days: this phrase almost always refers to the 260-day cycle.

Cyberpunk: a science-fiction genre, blended from the words "cybernetics" and "punk." The most notable features of Cyberpunk culture are a focus on both "high tech" details and "low life," where low life doesn't necessarily mean "bad or awful" but means "not accepted/acceptable by common moral standards." ie: cyberpunks are marginalized and apart from "the norm."

Cypherpunk: an activist who advocates for using cryptography, ciphers (algorithm for performing decription or encryption) and secret codes as a way to make change in society.

Day-Sign: one of the Ahau Sequence, named, Ahau, Kan, Lamat, Eb and/or Cib.

Day Sign Coefficient: The number which accompanies a "day-sign," and this number will be one of a number between one (1) and thirteen (13).

Dunce: (from the free online dictionary) a stupid person; a dolt. Alternate meaning by Mythbuster: a term to signal when Mythbuster feels defeated by computer jargon; a state of mind experienced by Mythbuster when confronted with more than 10 lines of computer jargon, whereby Mythbuster feels like a stoopid person.

Eagle Sequence: this is a Predictive Sequence that starts with or is ruled by the day-sign Eagle and follows as such: Eagle (Men), Cauac, Akbal, Manik and Chuen.

Eclipse Half-Year: this is a specific period of time between eclipses, according to Mayan calendar calculations and is a day period of 173.3 days. This figure is IMPLICIT in Mayan calculations.

Ecliptic: this is the "belt" along which the planets, the moon and the sun travel - 16 degrees wide.

Emergence Day-Signs: Not "emergence day" signs but emergence "day-signs." These are Day-Signs for which Venus emerges as "morning star."

Eschatology: this is a theological doctrine of the end of the world, "end times" and/or “last things.” Eschatology happens to exist in almost every religion. Eschaology is also a belief shared and often theorized on, by philosophers.

(G): abbreviation for the "Gregorian" calendar.

Geomagnetic Reversal: a change in the orientation/positioning of the Earth's magnetic field, as such that the positions of Magnetic North and Magnetic South are interchanged ("swapped" or "switched" if this is easier to understand). Two main theories are common to explain geomagnetic reversal. 1) due to events internal to the system that generates the Earth's magnetic field. 2) due to external events.

GMT:  Goodman-Martinez-Thompson correlation number: JD 584283

Great Cycle:  this is a period of time generated by the Mayan "Long Count" calendar. Its time period is specific: 13 Baktuns, 1872000 days, or approximately 5125.36 years.

Haab: same as our "solar year" - 365 cycles. Also called the "vague solar year."

Hun: One

Hun Batz: One Monkey.  (God of the Popol Vuh).

Hunahpu: in the Popol Vuh, one of the Hero twins. Also refers to one of the day-signs - the day-sign of Ahua... therefore, it is "one" + "Ahua" or "One Ahua" and is the traditional, sacred Day of Venus. The other of the Hero twins is Xbalanque.

Inferior Conjunction: an inferior conjunction happens when a retrograde planet crosses in front of the sun on its way to becoming morningstar.

(J):  abbreviation for the "Julian" Calendar.

JD or J.D. #: either of these abbreviations represent a "Julian Day" Number.

Mam: Ixil Maya (Ixil is a Mayan language spoken mainly in the highland areas of Guatemala) term to designate the arrival of the year-bearer (the first day of the haab; New Year's Day).

Mayan Long Count Calendar - Also Called "Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar":  a calendar system used during the Classic period (between AD 200 and AD 900) by the ancient Mayan civilization. The calendar system identifies a date by counting the number of days from a certain day which corresponds with September 6 in the Julian calendar and August 11, 3114 BCE in the Gregorian calendar.

New Year's Day (in Mayan Calendars): the first day of the haab. Different cultural groups followed different haab positions/placements, so New Year's Day occurs at different times for individual groups.  *** Note: Since no leap year days are afforded in the Mayan Calendar (long count), the calendar "precesses" backward, according to the Gregorian calendar - at a rate of 1 day every four years. These problem don't complicate things when counting time/days according to the 260-day calendar (Sacred Count) which is universal.

New Age: a term/phrase for alternative lifestyles and spirituality (alternative, according to "Western" culture, anyway), including books, teachers, ideas and groups that contain/project alternate explanations of living principles, spirituality and lifestyles... This term, "New Age" has an unclear definition, a "loose" definition, and the components of something considered "New Age" are not clearly defined yet in most cultures... Consequently, "New Age" often carries "notorious" and negative connotations, particularly by Western-minded people who are "traditionalists" in mainly Christian or other firmly established Western religions with long historical pasts, details, structure and principles.
Nibiru: (See Planet X.NIbiru in the glossary below)

Nodal Cycle: This is the cycle of lunar nodes around the ecliptic, equalling approximately 18.4 years.

Oxib: This word means "Three" (3) in the Quiche language.

PHI: This is often called "The Golden Mean" or the "Golden Proportion," and is best expressed as a ratio - 1.618

Planet X/Nibiru: "PLANET X" is sort of a generic term used by astronomers for unknown and/or hypothesized plants beyond the planet we call "Pluto." The Planet X term has only been used commonly for about the past 100 years or so. NIBIRU is allegedly a planetary object that is supposed to hit the Earth in 2012, according to many "Doomsday" theorists, a few scientists and people who believe in armageddon theories, 2012 theories, some of the prophesies of Nostradamus, etc... A Wisconsin woman named Nancy Lieder has claimed to have been contacted, during her childhood, by "Grays" ("Gray Extraterrestrials), called "Zetas" who  implanted a communications device in her brain and consequently, these Zetas have given Lieder information on the coming "Doomsday," planet Nibiru, etc. (pessimistic information). Information related to Nancy Lieder requires a whole page at least...

Polar Shift: ** BIG NOTE ** Polar Shift IS NOT the same as "Geomagnetic Reversal" even though, by the terms used, they seem/sound like they're different terms for the same thing... Polar shift is a hypothesis that suggests that the axis of rotation for a planet changes. Polar Shift statements will usually suggest that a planet's axis was once different than at present time and/or that a planet's axis will change in the future and not resemble what its axis is calculated to be right now. Geomagnetic Reversal explanations are gaining quite a lot of support from scientific personalities while Polar Shift explanations don't have near as many supporters.

Predictive Emergence Day-Signs:  the sequence of 5 day-signs which predict morningstar appearance of Venus.

Predictive Sequence: sequence of 5 day-signs which predict morningstar appearance of Venus after inferior conjunction. Of the predictive sequences, there are 4 possible sequences.

(Q): abbreviation for the Quiche haab.

Ruling Sequences (4): In the Venus Calendar, there are 4 possible Senior Day-Signs, each with a structured ruling sequence for the Venus round of its rule. Four possible sequence rulers are: Serpent, Dog, Eagle, Marksman. A sequence can begin with each just one of these rulers, following intervals in the Dresden Codex.

Sacred Cycle: The 260-day cycle.

Sacred Day of Venus: This is the sacred day which begins a Venus round and includes its number coefficient. ie: 1 Ahau is the traditional Sacred Day of Venus, while Ahau of itself is merely the Senior Sacred Day. A coefficient is used as a requirement to show the Sacred Day apart from the occurrence of Ahau being used as only an Emergence Day-Sign.

Senior Day-Sign: This is the Calendar Round beginning day. The Senior Day-Sign is the most revered day-sign. The Senior Day-Sign can vary from group to group.

Solar maximum: The "Solar Maximum" is the period of greatest solar activity during the solar cycle of the Sun. The
last solar maximum was in 2001. The next solar maximum is predicted to happen during May 2013. According to predictions, the coming solar maxim in 2013 will be one of the weakest since 1928.

Stelae: These are carved monuments that are often found at archeological sites. Many Stelae contain tzolkin/haab and
Long Count dates. These were called te-Štuns (tree stones) by the Classic Maya.

Survivalism:  is a movement of/by individuals (and often groups) actively preparing for future possible disasters, whether it be natural, social, economic or political disasters. Sometimes survivalism is thought to be the arena of the paranoid.

(T): abbreviation used to mean use of the Tikal haab.
Tikal haab: a way of keeping dates in the Venus Round cycle (583.92 days or, as the Mayans calculated, 584 days). The Tikal uses the numbers 0 to 19 and considers Pop to be the first month; the five extra Vayeb days come after the month of Cumku.

Telemetry: a kind of technology that allows for remote reporting and measuring of information (Greek, Tele=remote + Metron=measure). The tech/science of auto-transmission and measurement of data by radio, wire or other media via remote sources ie: earth source to and from space vehicles, involves receiving stations, transmission stations/sources, recording and analysis of data.

Timewave zero: was coined by Terence McKenna in the early 1970's. The concepts of "Timewave Zero," asserted by McKenna are that the universe is an engine designed for the production and conservation of novelty. If you graph the novelty over time, you get a fractal waveform or the Timewave zero. In other words, "Timewave Zero" is a formula to calculate and plot a novelty graph. This graph shows periods of novelty increases or decreases. The graph allegedly represents a model of history's most important events (minus the places of the events).

Tzolkin/Haab: this is the conventional combining of tzolkin and haab designation to indicate a unique
day within a Calendar Round period.

Vague Solar Year: the "haab" - year, in Mayan numerical convention, a haab year or 365 days.

Vayeb: The 5-day month that ends the haab. 5 days were left over in the Mayan calendar. In our calendar, these are factored in by having leap years every four years. The Mayans had Vayeb instead, attaching a month of only 5 days to the end of a haab/calendar year.

Venus Calendar: a calendar system whereby morningstar appearances of Venus are predicted. The Venus Calendar consists of nestled cycles of tzolkin, haab and Calendar Round.

Venus Cycle: this is the synodical period of Venus. The synodical period of Venus is equivalent to 583.92 days, however, by Mayan calculations the Venus Cycle is represented by the figure 584 approximately or, 584 days.

Venus Emergence as Morningstar: this is the first day whereby Venus becomes visible in the eastern morning sky after inferior conjunction (passing in front of the sun). Venus Emergence as Morningstar is reckoned to occur 4 days after perfect inferior conjunction.

Venus/Mars Round:  refers to a conjunction cycle of Venus, Mars and the Sun, shown in the Dresden Codex. A Venus/Mars Round equals 6 Calendar Rounds.

Venus Rising: is when/the date on which Venus emerges as morningstar.

Venus Round (VR): this is a period of 104 haab which synchronizes primary cycles of Mayan time - the tzolkin and haab. The plotting of the VR also provides a framework from which astronomical phenomena associated with Venus can be predicted.

Xbalanque: in the Popol Vuh, one of the Hero twins. This refers to the day-sign Ix and to the full moon. The other of the Hero twins is Hanahpu.

Xibalba: The Mayan Underworld. Rough translation: "place of fear." Ruled by the Mayan Death Gods, along with the Death Gods' helpers.

Year-Bearers: The sequence of four day-signs for which the first day of the haab can occur. There are 5 different year-bearer sequences, or types. These are labelled in/with Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV and V.

Zea Mays: alternately called "maize." Zea Mays is corn. Indian Corn.


Zero Counting: zero counting was used by various groups to count haab months from 0 to 19. The Ixil and Quiche stopped using "zero counting" at some point and began counting their haab months from 1 to 20.