Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 778 (Tidbits)

Hey - Check out the groovy (I'm old, pick your own "cool" adjective - "neat" - "fantastic" - "sweet"?) Vid/Audio on the blog for the Day 778 entry on Blake4d's "The 800 Days" blog!

The audio is perfect for a meditative state - and it won't be a bad idea to meditate SERIOUSLY upon the Day 778 post.

If you haven't been made at least a little bit anxious by any of the posts thus far - and anxious enough to consider making some changes in your life (*hint... change starts at - "awareness" - ridding the self of ignorance and becoming WILLING to become aware), or at least explore the world for different meanings, then the meditative-enhancing audio clip from the Day 778 post, along with the text content OUGHT TO bring you to a space in your head where you can PAY CLOSE ATTENTION !

Frankly, the "all-chemical war" content APPLIES TO YOU...

It applies to virtually everyone on the globe who has ever been excited to see the golden double-arches (kids who like "Mc D" food and treats), or been relieved to see the Yellow Double Arches (parents, adults, too busy to cook, teens - in a rush, on their way to someplace fun)... even if you groan 'cos you KNOW McD(amage)'s items have no nutrition value but know you've eaten it anyway or/and will eat it again the next time you're in a rush to stuff some "food" (and I say that loosely) down and 'cos it's CHEAP...

...heads up! This post is for YOU!

Now I'm not sure I totally agree with the author's full conclusions on the Day 778 post (his conclusions lead to "conspiracy theory") but I definitely do believe the author is exposing some pertinent information about large food, beverage and drug entities. Personally, I am not positive one has to make a list of large corporate entities then use the "C" (Conspiracy) word as an all-round explanation for why the world is sick, why these corporate entities seem to be controlling everything in the world and seem to be the source of sickness. I believe there's an equally powerful and detrimental "C" word that gives an equally nice closure on WHY WE ARE ALL GETTING SICK and why the world is so messed up... the other "C" word - "Capitalism." That is - Capitalism at its worst - with no controls...but then again, getting into a discussion on "capitalism" is for some other blog... I'm just stating my personal "take" on some of this stuff...

Oh what the heck... I'll rant a li'l more...

ie: capitalism is an ECONOMIC system...that has long been mistaken for a governing system. Sure, there are humans IN IT, in the system, but the humans are in a low place in the hierarchy of this system. (if a human leaves the system, it will take a while for capitalism to fall down - but nothing will likely fall down so long as another human is inserted into the system to push the buttons, grease the machine, etc). This economic system allows for growth of large entities and as such, when entities become huge and when massive trade, money-exchange and overwhelming profits - including some monopoly - happens, this just means that this particular economic system is in "success mode." It's not that Capitalism is so bad - it's just that CAPITALISM IS BAD FOR HUMAN BEINGS... it's an economic system - not a system built for managing human beings... capitalism is a system for managing trade, goods and services, money, mergers of business, etc... and Humans are merely the "batteries" or energy in the capitalism machine. Naturally, humans are expendible in the Capitalism machine, (Heck, there are BILLIONS OF US on the earth - a lot of batteries, huh?) so this is a system that quite logically isn't meant to project well-being for humans.

Okay, so I've taken things a bit far and am definitely writing something that is not quite in line with Blake's post on The 800 Days blog for Day 778. I'm pretty sure Blake's going to see this soon and say (in his "inside the head voice"), as he slams a fist upon his palm, "That darn Canuck Mythbuster...only Myth would start a supporter blog then argue against it." lol Well, I'm not arguing entirely against Blake's ideas... just providing more FOOD FOR THOUGHT since most of the Day 788 post is ABOUT OUR FOOD - OUR NECESSITIES OF LIFE THAT WE NEED FOR SURVIVAL...

No matter what you believe about the spirit, afterlife, body/mind connections, etc - whether you're a believer in the body as mortal, immortal and even whether you believe that "dead is final" or not... we're all stuck here RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, with human body shells... and those bodies need food, medicine, clean drinking water, AIR (in a very delicate balance of chemical components)... and frankly...


*Heh! I saw Blake writing all in caps a lot, so I decided to try it... just to have a little "same-ness" after all this difference of opinion...


So as you might be able to tell... Blake and I are on the same wavelength to a certain degree (ie: information is of tantamount importance...people NEED TO KNOW MORE news details than they currently get from mainstream sources)  - I'm simply not drawing all the same conclusions as Blake does... HOWEVER - the message I believe we're both trying to get across - no matter what the actual CAUSE of the problems are in this world...

WE NEED TO MAKE CHANGES - and those changes are going to seem very strange to us...extremely difficult for some, not so difficult for others - but WE NEED TO BE AWARE, PICK UP ON POSITIVE CALLS TO ACTION - AND DO SOMETHING instead of being victims in this world...

I'm not positive that Blake holds the particular opinion that there's a world-wide "CONSPIRACY" of corporate and gov't entities poisoning, altering and ruining our food, medicine, air and water resources - or if he's just offering this as one explanation for a "MAJOR CAUSE" of why the world and its inhabitants are getting so sick and crazy... but


And there you have it for Day 778 from more than one perspective...

I've ranted enough... GO READ: The 800 Days Blog - Day 778

An Amazing "Must Read" Article: ALCHEMICAL WAR

Day 778 on the 800 Days blog: Wednesday November 3 2010.

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